Concentration and production of bacteria and bacterial destruction in the photic layer of the Sodruzhestvo Sea area, Southern Ocean


Bacterioplankton in the photic layer of the Sodruzhestvo Sea area and adjoining waters consists in summer primarily of cocci, with fractions smaller than 2 ?m predominating. The average abundance and biomass of microorganisms are 427 thousand cells/ml and 438 mg C/m2, with ranges of 150-1770 thousand cells/ml and 221-1146 mg C/m2. The average daily production and bacterial destruction increase from 49 and 104 mg C/m2 at the beginning of the growth period to 85 and 180 mg C/m2 in the middle of the period and remain at this level till the end. Despite low rate of increase (daily P/B coefficient averages 0.12), because of its high abundance bacterioplankton in Antarctic waters plays a major role in destruction of organic matter, accounting for 60-85% of energy consumed by heterotrophs.

Supplement to: Samyshev, E Z (1986): Bacterioplankton of Antarctic waters: concentration, production and bacterial destruction. Oceanology, 26(4), 508-512

Metadata Access
Creator Samyshev, E Z
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 1986
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Supplementary Dataset; Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 138 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (55.000W, -67.000S, 85.000E, -60.000N); Southern Ocean