Data set for value co creation in HEIs

The data in this study aims to explore a new dimensional abstraction of value co-creation behavior for the service institutions especially in the context of higher education institutions. The items used for data collection reflect the students' value co-creation behavior as a whole rather than specific dimensions mentioned by Yi and Gong (2013) such as participate behavior and citizenship behavior. Factor analysis was done with 16 items in participation behavior and 13 items of citizenship behavior developed by Yi & Gong(2013) together and check the response among the international students in the private and public higher education institutions in Malaysia. As Malaysia is considered one of the emerging HUB in Asia it would be possible to encounter students from different countries and cultures to experiment their psychology towards the value co creation behavior items in their respective university context. The aim is to experiment whether the items fall under the similar dimensions separately for the participation and citizenship behaviors or there is any integration between the items. Besides that, the study wants to explore the number of extracted factors especially for the higher educational perspectives how the items differ from the original measurement scale developed by Yi & Gong(2013).

The data was gathered personally by the researcher with the help of student representative council members in the respective universities. Both postgraduate and undergraduate students participated in the survey. They have shared their value co-creation experience with their respective universities. The findings of the study have interesting insights. The items of citizenship behaviour fall with the items of participation behaviour. This reflects that students' participation behavior and citizenship behavior cannot be seen as individual entities. They rather have to be taken as an integrated phenomenon for successful value co creation behaviour. The exploratory factor analysis also reveals that the number of factors extracted for the value co-creation behaviour in higher education context is also different from the original dimensions of Yi & Gong(2013).

Metadata Access
Creator Manzoor, S
Publisher Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
Contributor Shamima Manzoor
Publication Year 2019
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; License:;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Other