Erfgoed van de Oorlog, Bystander Memories, interview RG-50.570.0014

De geïnterviewde werd in oktober 1927 geboren in Foxhol, gemeente Hoogezand. Hij is afkomstig uit een gelovig gezin. Hij beschrijft hoe de achtergebleven Joodse vrouwen en kinderen met de situatie omgingen nadat de mannen waren weggehaald door de Nazi’s. Hij was ooggetuige van de treinen die vol Joden die langs het dorp reden. De geïnterviewde vertelt verder over de bevrijding en vertelt hoe veel mensen, direct of indirect, met de Duitsers samenwerkten.

The interviewee was born in October 1927 in Foxhol, part of the Hoogezand municipality. He comes from a Christian family. He describes the occupation from this perspective. He writes how, after the Jewish men had been deported, the Jewish women and children who were left behind handled the situation in which they had ended up because of the Nazis. He also saw how these women and children were deported, and tells us about this in detail. He saw trains filled with Jews running alongside the village. The interviewee also talks about the liberation, and indicates that many people, directly or indirectly, collaborated with the Germans.

Metadata Access
Creator Vrije Universiteit; United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Publisher Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
Contributor dr. Dienke Hondius, Vrije Universiteit, adviseur; drs. Anna Timmerman, coördinator in Nederland, onderzoeker; Interakt: Rene Mendel productie; Martijn van Haalen interview; Paul Enkelaar en Bernd Wouthuysen, camera; Nathan Beyrak, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Project Director; Christian Url, Oral History Department; drs. Machlien Vlasblom, Vrije Universiteit, onderzoeksassistent
Publication Year 2010
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess; DANS License;
OpenAccess false
Language Dutch; Flemish
Resource Type Dataset
Format video/H264; text/word; image/jpg; text/pdf
Discipline History; Humanities
Spatial Coverage Foxhol, Groningen