Individual changes in the Netherlands 1985-1990

Which factors contribute to changes in individual attitudes.

Importance of career, money, social security / importance of children, marriage, family life / importance of social equality and democracy / hedonism / the existence of God, the meaning of life, suffering and death, good and evil / importance of Christian faith and world view to r. / attitude to trade unions, class differences and government intervention, restriction civil liberties, abortion, euthanasia / view on women / localism: commitment to local community, contentment with residence / work ethic, importance of work / values with respect to the upbringing of children, desired qualities of school, sex role stereotypes in education, functions of education / acceptance of alternative relationships / importance of marriage / acceptance of working women, women's lib / personal freedom in two-relationships, exclusiveness / expectations regarding r.'s social economic position, satisfaction with income / authoritarianism / anomy / threat of competition by minorities / negative attitude towards ethnic minorities, attitude towards the Dutch / most important political goals / post materialism / political interest and behaviour, unconventional political activities / political efficacy, trust in politicians and politics / consequences of government policy for daily life, satisfaction with government / appreciation of the natural environment, improvement of old neighbourhoods / willingness to sacrifice, take notion of the environment, ecological behaviour regarding consumption, waste, energy, use of car / important events in the life of respondent, r.'s partner and r.'s children last 5 years: with respect to occupation, finance, family and personal life, most sweeping event last 5 years. Background variables: basic characteristics / residence / household characteristics / occupation / employment / income / capital assets / education / social class / politics / religion / consumption of durables / readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure / organizational membership.

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Metadata Access
Creator Felling, A.J.A.; Peters, J.; Scheepers, P.L.H.
Publisher Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
Contributor Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen; A.J.A. Felling, Maatschappijwetenschappen, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (depositor); Felling, A. Peters, J. Scheepers, P. Katholieke Universiteit * Nijmegen (research initiator); Instituut voor Toegepaste Sociale Wetenschappen, ITS * Nijmegen (data collector)
Publication Year 2009
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; DANS License;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Other
Spatial Coverage Netherlands