E5a, AMR8 at z=0.05, reconstructed down to the 6th AMR level (16kpc/cell)


Each HDF5 dataset contains triplets of fields: -6_8mdm001R_dt_014 contains "Density", "Dark_Matter_Density" and "Temperature" (a 640^3 grid for each); -6_8mdm001R_v_014 contains "x-velocity", "y-velocity" and "z-velocity" gas velocity fields (a 640^3 grid for each); -6_8mdm001R_b_014 contains "Bx", "By" and "Bz" - the components of the magnetic field (a 640^3 grid for each). All values must be multiplied by the following conversion factors in order to get them in CGS units: -convd=2.9089278e-30 to have Density and Dark_Matter_Density in g/cm^3; -convt=1 for the temperature in K; -convv=6.4770872e+09 to have the velocity components in cm/s; -convb=sqrt(convd4pi)convv(1+z)^2. to have the magnetic field components in Gauss. The comoving celle resolution is 15.8 kpc/cell and the redshift is z=0.05. The model started from a uniform seed magnetic field of 0.1nG (comoving). Cosmological AMR simulations performed with the ENZO code, using the Dedner MHD method. More details can be found here http://cosmosimfrazza.myfreesites.net/amr_clusters

DOI https://doi.org/10.23728/b2share.064065cd568343f1a60135cc49a09e78
Source https://b2share.eudat.eu/records/064065cd568343f1a60135cc49a09e78
Metadata Access https://b2share.eudat.eu/api/oai2d?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=eudatcore&identifier=oai:b2share.eudat.eu:b2rec/064065cd568343f1a60135cc49a09e78
Creator Franco Vazza
Publication Year 2018
Rights Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC-BY-NC-SA); info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Contact franco.vazza2(at)unibo.it
Size 9.4 GB; 3 files
Discipline 3.4.3 → Physics → Astrophysics