NIPO weekpeilingen 1964

Data derived from weekly public opinion polls in the Netherlands in 1964 concerning social and political issues. Samples were drawn from the Dutch population aged 21 years and older.

All data from the surveys held between 1962 and 2000 are available in the DANS data collections.

Background variables: Sex / age / religion / income / vote recall latest elections / party preference / level of education / union membership / professional status / left-right rating / party alignment / province / degree of urbanization / weight factor.

Topical variables: n6405: Views on TV program "Zo is het..." / Experience of higher expense prices and wages compared to last year / Rise in percentages of prices and wages / Financial prospect for 1964. n6415: Knowledge about pirate radio stations Caroline and Veronica / Reception of the two stations / Plans for commercial radio programs and TV programs by newspaper "Het Parool". n6417: Personal difficulties due to housing shortage / Judgment about size of housing shortage / House supplied with gas, natural gas. n6423: Cooperation in politics between Protestants between Protestants and Catholics / Cooperation of protestant churches and between protestant and catholic churches. n6425: Belief in heaven and hell / Frequency of church attendance. n6427: Judgment on visit of foreign secretary Luns to Moscow and Indonesia / Membership House of Commons a demanding occupation. n6428: Should policemen carry firearms, like in England, or not. n6434: Satisfied with general situation in the Netherlands / Judgment about performance of government / Visiting tourist attractions in The Hague and Scheveningen / Gambling every now and then: what kind of gambling in particular. n6437: Spending holidays 1964/ when / where . n6443: Knowledge and judgment about plans for new taxes to car owner / Car ownership. n6446: Judgment about roulette in The Netherlands / Playing in football pools, State Lottery, German Lotto. n6449: Sinterklaas gifts. n6450: Expectations for 1965 in relation to 1964 / More smoking / More television watching / More filmgoing / More saving / Employment- unemployment situation / Possible strikes / Economic situation of Holland better / International a peaceful year / Judgment on balance of power / Prospect of power USA and USSR. n6452: Government action against pirate TV station TV Noordzee / Television set at home / Quality of reception TV Noordzee / Watched programs of TV Noordzee/ Missing them. n6453: Following lessons and courses on TV, especially English lessons / Television set in the house / Which courses are preferred or wanted on TV.

Metadata Access
Creator Netherlands Institute for Public Opinion and Marketing Research - NIPO
Publisher Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
Publication Year 2013
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; DANS License;
OpenAccess true
Language Dutch; Flemish
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture and Veterinary Medicine; Life Sciences; Social Sciences; Social and Behavioural Sciences; Soil Sciences
Spatial Coverage Nederland; Netherlands