GPD Survey - The state of the nation 2002

This round of GPD surveys (GPD = Geassocieerde Pers Diensten = Associated Press Services ), a voluntary reply regional newspaper survey, was held in fall 2001 and covers various topics like lifesituation, work and unemployment, housing, environment, time-spending, income and spending, health and political and social opinions. Themes: children, child care and work, career possibilities / Payed employment: duration, vacation, ADV, commuting (distance), future expectations regarding unemployment/ Unemployed: duration, pre-unemployment situation, future expectations regarding getting a job, job seeking activities and methods, reasons for non-activity/ Housing situation: age of house, type of house, it's value, choice of location, ownership, expenses, rent, subsidized, size, quality, isolation, garden, balcony, urbanization / Living environment: annoyances, available facilities and services, safety, victimization, satisfaction with neighbourhood, social contacts / time budget / detailed data on spending and income, social benefits, debts, job career, flexible working, extra training, pension, evaluation of level of income / Satisfaction / physical situation, health, complaints / family conflicts / freedom, permissiveness / moral standards, values, acquaintance with people breaking laws, punishnment / Politics: voting behaviour, vote intention, memberships labour union / important issues in life / religion / church attendance / place of birth / social contacts with allochtoneous people / satisfaction with national and local institutions and policies / evaluation of political leaders / opinion on multi-cultural society, immigrants, ethnic minorities, integration, international situation, terrorist attacks in US, Islam / lottery, gambling behaviour / life satisfaction in general. Other background variables include(often both respondent and partner): sex, age, family composition, number of children, education, occupational status, weight, size, handicaps, smoking, drinking, use of drugs,

Metadata Access
Creator Prof.Dr. B.M.S. van Praag, UVA, SEO, J.P. Hop, SEO, Universiteit van Amsterdam (primary investigator)
Publisher Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
Contributor Prof. C. Teulings, SEO, Universiteit van Amsterdam (depositor)
Publication Year 2012
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; DANS License;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format spss
Discipline Economics; Social and Behavioural Sciences
Spatial Coverage Netherlands; Netherelands