Green Parties in Europe 1994

Survey on participation of party members of three green parties in France ( Les Verts ), Germany ( Buendnis 90 / Die Gruenen ) and the Netherlands ( Groen Links ) Participation at local and regional level political party meetings / frequency of attendance / speaking at these meetings / friendships, contacts, inter-relationships etc. within party, sociometric data / convergence of opinion / campaigning activities / voting behaviour / affiliation with faction within party / political stance relative to own party majority at various levels / disagreements, inclinations to leave the party / political opinions ( country specific ) / political opinions, general : ecotax and lower incomes, neglect of environmental protection within own party, military intervention in former Yugoslavia, importance of ecologic change for human survival, ideologic identification, reasons for joining / preference for national convention versus national congress with system of delegates / importance of extra-parliamentary action / contacts with party delegates at district, regional and national level / monitoring of party delegates / disagreement with delegate bodies / local MP's / regional MP's / national MP's / party delegates: respondent's post or mandate at various levels / attitude toward post or mandate, attractiveness of political career / contacts with the press / contacts with related organizations / functions in the past / being a candidate, nominations / attendance of national congresses or conventions / reading preparatory documents, party programmes / discussing national and international topics / activities at national assemblies: motions, amendments / cooperation / membership of drafting committee / publishing articles in party periodicals / reading party periodicals / participation in work-groups, commissions and frequency of attendance / time spend on political party activities at various levels / considers this a burden / other organizational memberships, holding an office there / previous connections with other political parties / workload, possibilities for party activities during working time / partner's attitude towards respondents party membership. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ politics/ organizational membership

Metadata Access
Creator Cordier, W., Wippler, R., Weesie, J. (primary investigator)
Publisher Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
Contributor Cordier, Th.ICS * Utrecht (data collector)
Publication Year 2007
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; DANS License;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Other
Spatial Coverage Netherlands France Germany