Personen met een verstandelijke handicap 2000

The aim of this study is to gain more insight into the living situation of mentally handicapped persons of 18 years and over. This also includes work, health, social situation, housing, financial situation. Organization: Size and type of sheltered housing / location / religion / how is time of inhabitants spent, work, where / cultural activities, festivities, outings, holidays organized / does organization offer day activities, work / how many volunteers / personal budget (persoonsgebonden budget). Day activity or work center: for how many people / severity of mental handicap / where do participants live / waiting list / location. Mentally handicapped and proxy: sex, age, (also of other inmates) / mental limitations / behaviour problems / physical handicaps / communication possible / living situation / how long has r. been living here, where before / day activities / leisure activities / social network: partner (cohabitation), parents, siblings, friends, how often visit / health / if living independantly: how high is rent / type and costs of assistance / place of birth / education / social-economic status of family / size and type of household / did r. use to be a burden in the family when living at home / why these living arrangements / is r. on waiting list / income / satisfaction of the mentally handicapped with day activities, work, social life and living arrangements.

Metadata Access
Creator Klerk, M. de , Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau (primary investigator)
Publisher Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
Contributor Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau (depositor); Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau (research initiator); GfK Panel Services Benelux (data collector)
Publication Year 2007
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess; DANS License;
OpenAccess false
Resource Type Dataset
Format spss
Discipline Other
Spatial Coverage Netherlands