Nationaal onderzoek jongerenbladen, 1983

Information on reading habits, mass-media exposure, leisure activities and consumer behaviour of the Dutch youth. Parent: who reads what magazine, children watching commercials on television, magazines present in household, subscriptions, who pays for subscription, individual: readership of youth magazines, comics, newspapers, recreational reading / visits to cinema, watching television, interest in pay tv / leisure activities, sports / possession of toys, hobby materials, durables etc. / consumption of sweets, snacks, drinks etc / favourite dress shops / favourite music / favourite attractions / amusement parks etc. / purchasing power, saving behaviour, bank, making use of cheques / presence of stereo-set, possession of electrical appliances for personal hygiene, use of cosmetics / propensity to consume and save / concern with environment and economy / interest in fashion / conservatism, work ethic, sociability. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ social class/ politics/ consumption of durables/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure

Metadata Access
Creator Stumpel, H.A.M., Nederlandse onderneming voor uitgevers marktonderzoek, NOVUM * Haarlem (primary investigator)
Publisher Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
Contributor Admedia bv * Amsterdam Oberon bv * Amsterdam (research initiator); Intomart * Hilversum (data collector)
Publication Year 2007
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; DANS License;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Communication Science; Social Sciences; Social and Behavioural Sciences
Spatial Coverage Netherlands