Diversity, biomass and observed data of grasslands in Orgovány LTER (KISKUN LTER)

The dataset contains number of plant species, diversity (within habitat), number (and type) of layers, presence/absence (and type) of management, presence/absence (and type) of natural disturbances, aboveground biomass by indirect methods, presence/absence of groundwater table and presence/absence of susceptibility of the site to drought. Sampling plots are the same used for biomass and LAI measurements in the Orgovány LTER (KISKUN LTER) grassland. The aim of the yearly biomass and LAI measurements in the grasslands is to study the effect of weather to the plant production along a productivity gradient. Aboveground living plant biomass and LAI data from 24-30 grassland patches in Orgovány region of Kiskunság (Kiskunság National Park) along a productivity gradient from open sand grassland to reedbed, yearly from 2003 to 2012, were sampled approx. at the time of maximum aboveground biomass. The size of the patches are 20 to 50 sq-m, and each year one 0.5 by 0.5 m sampling unit is selected within each patch. The patches are permanent ones; some of them were omitted and replaced because of disturbance in several years. The aboveground living plant biomass data of separate species are submitted in HU_SI001199_species_biomass_20130508 dataset, and the EUNIS habitat types of the sampled patches are submitted in HU_SI001199_eunis_habitat_type_20130508 dataset.

Source https://deims.org/dataset/76269b76-5134-11e3-aa73-005056ab003f
Related Identifier http://lter.hu/en/node/15
Related Identifier https://deims.org/api/datasets/76269b76-5134-11e3-aa73-005056ab003f
Metadata Access https://deims.org/pycsw/catalogue/csw?service=CSW&version=2.0.2&request=GetRecordById&Id=76269b76-5134-11e3-aa73-005056ab003f&outputSchema=http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd
Creator Gábor Ónodi; Miklós Kertész
Publisher Long-Term Ecosystem Research in Europe
Contributor DEIMS-SDR Site and Dataset registry deims.org
Publication Year 2013
Rights No conditions apply to access and use; The dataset provider is given a complete list of all products that make use of the dataset public access limited according to Article 13(1)(g) of the INSPIRE Directive
OpenAccess true
Contact onodi.gabor(at)ecolres.hu; kertesz.miklos(at)ecolres.hu
Discipline Environmental Research; Geosciences; Land Use; Natural Sciences
Spatial Coverage (19.455W, 46.766S, 19.500E, 46.797N)